
Сотовый монолит

Honeycomb Monolith Honeycomb Monolith, Reducingthecost of VOC control in the semiconductor industry. Theregenerativethermaloxidizer(RTO)is one of the standard pieces of equipment used to control theemissionofvolatileorganic compounds(VOCs) inthesemiconductorindustry.In normal operation, anRTOremovesVOCsusinggas-phase free-radicalreactionsofhomogeneousoxidationtoCO2 andwaterat1450ºFto1600ºF.Honeycomb Monolith An RTO uses a regenerative heat exchangeintwoormorepackedbedsoperated with periodic flow reversals. The beds,filledwithaninert ceramic media, areconnectedbyacombustionchamberwhereone or more fuel burnersareinstalledforsystemstartup, and to maintain necessarytemperatureatlowconcentrationsof VOCs.The TheVOC-laden air enters theoxidizeratlowtemperature andisheatedthrough the heat exchangerwiththeinletceramic beds. This airstream then reacts inthecombustionchamberand returnsheattothe outlet beds, where it is absorbed for the next cycle. Uponflowreversal, the bedfunctionschange suchthatasubstantialfractionof energy from VOCcombustionandburnerfiringisregenerated in the upper fraction of the beds.Amplesurfaceareaofceramicmaterial results in highthermalefficiencyachievingupto95percent in…

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Основная продукция компании Pingxiang Naike Chemical Industry Equipment Packing Co.

Основная продукция компании Pingxiang Naike Chemical Industry Equipment Packing Co. Ltd Наша основная продукция: Распределитель жидкости, произвольная упаковка, опорная плита, структурированная парковка, опорная решетка, лотки и распределитель. Если у Вас есть какие-либо потребности, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Email: alice@nkchem.com Контактное лицо:Алиса Пан Мобильный телефон: 86-13030565278

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Основная продукция Pingxiang Naike Chemical Industry Equipment Packing Co.

Main Product Pingxiang Naike Chemical Industry Equipment Packing Co.,ltd We are able to provide our customers with an extensive range of Tower Packings for mass transfer operations which include gas scrubbing, stripping, de-aeration, degassing, biological filtration, and mechanical filtration.   Mail products: Pall Ring Inert Ceramic alumina ball cellarette ring IMTP (Intalox metal tower packing) ceramic rashing ring Intalox saddle ring Heilex ring Nutter ring conjugate ring PP float ball Polyhedral ball structure tower packing Covered ball random tower packing Carbon rashing ring (Raschig ring) Perforated plate corrugated packing Gauze corrugated structure tower packing Cross-partition ring VSP ring Cascade Mini…

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Изготовление кольца ПП ВСП

Производство кольца VSP из ПП Продукт: Кольцо VSP Материал: ПП, ПВХ, ХПВХ, ПВДФ и т. д. Годовое производство: 1000 кубических метров. Если у вас есть какие-либо потребности, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами напрямую. Электронная почта: alice@nkchem.com [Алиса Пэн] Skype: alice_pan1017 Тел.: 86-799-3673812 Факс: 86-799-3673808

Читать далееИзготовление кольца ПП ВСП

Биофильтрующий материал для MBBR

MBBR Bio Filter Media MBBR media, Bio cell Filter Media PE MBBR filter media for the pond, fish farming, aquarium, Koi filters, rosewater treatment, and moving bed biological reactor. MBBR Media, Biocell Filter Media Details MBBR Media, Biocell Filter Media for the pond, fish farming, aquarium, Koi filters, wastewater treatment, and moving bed biological reactor. We offer advanced wastewater treatment solutions for the industrial and municipal markets. These solutions significantly increase the capacity and efficiency of existing wastewater treatment plants, while minimizing the size of new plant deployments.   Applications of MBBR Media, Biocell Filter Media: 1. All types of…

Читать далееБиофильтрующий материал для MBBR

Встреча с вами на выставке ChemSpec Europe 2017

Meeting you at ChemSpec Europe 2017 ChemSpec Europe 2017 It is nice to share our latest news with you. We Naike Chemical will exhibit our Tower Packing, molecular sieve, ceramic ball, zsm-5, MBBR media, etc. at booth No. D352 ChemSpec Europe 2017 in Munich. We sincerely invite you to come to our booth. Your attendance will be very welcome.  Please let me know if you will be able to attend.

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Среда для MBBR для очистки сточных вод

MBBR Media For Wastewater Treatment   MBBR media Naike MBBR biofilter media advantage 1)Rapid carrier biofilm formation mechanism 2)Super decarburization, ammonia nitrogen removal capacity 3)Excellent resistance to shock load performance 4)Flexible way of engineering application 5)Simple operation and maintenance 6)Long service life-100% virgin HDPE material 7)Deoxidation and phosphorus removal effect is good Naike MBBR biofilter media application 1)The sewage plant upgrade project, improve the standard and quantity 2)New sewage treatment project of MBBR and biological aerated filter process 3)Biochemical treatment of reclaimed water 4)River regulation denitrification and phosphorus removal 5)Aquaculture in addition to ammonia nitrogen, water purification 6)Biological filter media…

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Металлическое кольцо Pall

Metal Pall Ring Naike Chemical Metal Pall Ring Our Metal Pall Ring Packing is wildly used in all kinds of separation, absorb plant, constant decompress plants, compounding ammonia plant, decarbonization, desulfuration, separation of ethylbenzene, separation of isooctane/methylene, absorption, aeration, degassing, desorption, Distillation, stripping, heat recovery, extraction, various separation and absorption applications at atmospheric pressure and under vacuum, where a low-pressure drop is critical, H2S, NH3 & SO2 absorption & stripping, steam stripping, quench towers, direct contact cooling.

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Кольцо металлическое Pall Ring 10*10*0,3 мм

Metal Pall Ring 10*10*0.3mm Metal Pall Ring 10*10*0.3mm We also can manufacture other sizes. If you need, pls contact us directly. Company name: Pingxiang Naike Chemical Industry Equipment Packing Co., Ltd Address: No.91 Anyuan West Street, Pingxiang, Jiangxi, China Tel: 86-799-3673809 Fax: 86-799-3673808 Website: www.laiko.net Email: alice@nkchem.com Skype: alice_pan1017 Trademanager: cn209777336 Whatsapp: 86-13030565278

Читать далееКольцо металлическое Pall Ring 10*10*0,3 мм

Металлическая проволочная марля Структурированная упаковка Доставка

Metal Wire Gauze Structured Packing Delivery Metal Wire Gauze Packing application field 500AX Precision rectification for high production capacity and less theoretical plate number. 500BX Vacuum rectification for thermosensitive system and hard separation system, especially suitable for rectification with pressure lower than 7Kpa. 700CX Separation of the isotopic compound and isomeric compound. Properties: Model Specific surface Bulk density Void ratio Obl. Δ P Theo. plate (m2/m3) (kg/ m3) (%) angle (Pa/plate) (piece/m) 250(AX) 250 125 95 300 100~400 2.5~3 500(BX) 500 250 90 300 400 4~5 700(CY) 700 350 85 450 600~700 8~10

Читать далееМеталлическая проволочная марля Структурированная упаковка Доставка

Доставка молекулярного сита Фотографии

Молекулярное сито Доставка Фотографии Продукт: Молекулярное сито Диаметр: 2-3 мм Длина: 3-10 мм Если у вас есть какие-либо потребности, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами напрямую. Email: alice@nkchem.com [Alice Pan ] Skype: alice_pan1017 Mobile: 86-13030565278 Tel: 86-799-3673812 Fax: 86-799-3673808

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