Metal Cascade Mini Ring

Metal Cascade Mini Ring

Metal cascade mini ring is a new type of hole-type packing, the product has features such as thin wall, heat resistant, high free volume, high capacity, low resistance, high separation efficiency and so on.

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Parameters of Metal Cascade Mini Ring

Packing Size Dimension mm(OD*ID*THK) Bulk Density Bulk quantity Specific Area Void Factor
kg/m3 pcs/m3 m2/m3 % m-1
0P Ø17×Ø15×H6×0.3 472 530000 427 94 55
1P Ø25×Ø22×H8×0.3 270 150000 230 96 40
1.5P Ø34×Ø29×H11×0.3 201 60910 198 97 29
2P Ø43×Ø38×H14×0.4 230 33170 164 97 22
2.5P Ø51×Ø44×H17×0.4 186 17900 127 97 17
3P Ø66×Ø57×H21×0.4 139 8800 105 98 14
4P Ø86×Ø76×H29×0.4 143 5000 90 98 10
5P Ø131×Ø118×H41×0.6 136 1480 65 98 7

Advantages of Metal Cascade Mini Ring

  • Reduced pressure drop

Reduced Pressure drop occurs because the Cascade Mini Ring has its largest opening predominantly in the direction of the vapour/liquid flow which allows for easy passage, This reduces the pressure drop significantly.

  • Increased plant capacity

Increased plant capacity is the direct result of the reduction in pressure drop that Cascade Mini Rings provide, as this moves the operating point further away from the critical pressure drop point at which flooding occurs. This effect allows additional vapour/liquid handling and therefore increases plant capability.

  • Improved resistance to fouling

Improved resistance to fouling results from the directional positioning of the rings,(largest opening in direction of flow ) as any solids entering the packed bed are more easily flushed through the packing matrix.

  • Higher operational efficiency

Higher operational efficiency occurs because of the preferential orientation which ensures that in most of the ring surface are positioned vertically rather than horizontally, and this is also advantageous for mass transfer. High efficiency is dependent on as much of the available surface area as possible being effectively wetted.

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