Main Components of Carbon Molecular Sieve and Principles of Nitrogen Production

Carbon molecular sieve is a new type of adsorbent developed in the 1970s. It is an excellent non-polar carbon material. Nitrogen-making carbon molecular sieve is used to separate air and enrich nitrogen. The cryogenic high-pressure nitrogen production process has the advantages of low investment cost, fast nitrogen production speed, and low nitrogen cost. Therefore, it is currently the preferred pressure swing adsorption and nitrogen-rich adsorbent for air separation in the engineering industry. This nitrogen is used in the chemical industry, oil and gas industry, electronics industry, food industry, coal industry, pharmaceutical industry, cable industry, metal heat treatment, and transportation. And storage and other aspects are widely used.

In the 1950s, with the tide of the industrial revolution, the application of carbon materials became more and more extensive. Among them, the application of activated carbon was the fastest expansion of carbon molecular sieves for nitrogen generators, from the initial filtration of impurities to the separation of different groups. At the same time, with the advancement of technology, mankind’s ability to process materials has become stronger and stronger. In this case, carbon molecular sieves have emerged.

Ⅰ. The main components of carbon molecular sieve

The main component of carbon molecular sieve is elemental carbon, and the appearance is a black columnar solid. Because it contains a large number of micropores with a diameter of 4 angstroms, the micropores have a strong instantaneous affinity for oxygen molecules and can be used to separate oxygen and nitrogen in the air. The pressure swing adsorption device (PSA) is used in industry to produce nitrogen. Carbon molecular sieve has large nitrogen production capacity, high nitrogen recovery rate and long service life. It is suitable for various types of PSA nitrogen generators and is the first choice for PSA nitrogen generators. Carbon molecular sieve air separation nitrogen production has been widely used in petrochemical, metal heat treatment, electronics manufacturing, food preservation and other industries.

Ⅱ. The principles of carbon molecular sieve nitrogen production

The product is a carbon adsorbent, a porous substance composed of carbon, and the pore structure model is a disorderly stacked carbon structure. Carbon molecular sieve is a non-quantitative compound, and its important properties are based on its microporous structure. Its ability to separate air depends on the different diffusion speeds in the carbon molecular sieve micropores of various gases in the air, or different adsorption forces, or the two effects work at the same time. Under equilibrium conditions, the adsorption capacity of carbon molecular sieve for nitrogen and oxygen is quite close, but the diffusion speed of oxygen molecules through the narrow gaps of the carbon molecular sieve microporous system is much faster than that of nitrogen molecules. Carbon molecular sieve air separation nitrogen production is based on this Performance, in the time away from equilibrium conditions, so that nitrogen molecules can be enriched in the gas phase.

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