How to Replace Carbon Molecular Sieve in Nitrogen Generator?

When the nitrogen generator has been in use for a long time, the quality of the carbon molecular sieve will deteriorate and the purity of the produced nitrogen will decrease. Therefore, the carbon molecular sieve needs to be replaced to restore the purity. Many customers have reported that after the nitrogen generator has been used for a certain period of time, there will be a decrease in nitrogen production, a decrease in purity, and powder spraying, which requires a replacement of the carbon molecular sieve.

The reasons why the carbon molecular sieve of the nitrogen generator needs to be replaced

When the machine has been in use for a long time, the quality of the carbon molecular sieve will deteriorate, leading to a decrease in the purity of the produced nitrogen. In addition, improper operation and maintenance during the use of the carbon molecular sieve can cause poisoning. For example, if the air purification system is not equipped with processing equipment, or the equipment is running with faults, impurities such as oil and water may enter the adsorption tower and get absorbed by the carbon molecular sieve, severely damaging its analyzing ability and greatly reducing the nitrogen production and purity. Therefore, when encountering such situations, the carbon molecular sieve needs to be replaced.

The service life of the carbon molecular sieve decreases by 5% of its production capacity every year due to aging issues, and it is generally recommended to replace it every 5-6 years depending on the usage.

The carbon molecular sieve may wear and become powdery due to the impact and friction of the gas flow during the working process of the nitrogen generator. The pressing device should be automatically tightened until the molecular sieve is missing alarm triggered. If the pressing device of the nitrogen generator is an old-fashioned screw type, it will be a one-time tightening, and part of the sieve will loosen after being powdered, causing more serious powdering.

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Some methods for replacing the carbon molecular sieve

  • Control the oil content of the compressed air strictly to avoid contamination and failure of the carbon molecular sieve. Regularly replace the filter element and activated carbon in the oil removal filter.

  • Regularly check the pressure gauge of the compression cylinder. If there is no pressure or the pressure drops during the desorption process, it means that the cylinder cannot press the carbon molecular sieve properly, and any malfunction should be promptly eliminated to avoid the molecular sieve becoming loose and powdery.

  • During operation, if there is a large amount of black dust spraying from the muffler exhaust port, stop the machine immediately to find out the cause and prevent further powdering of the carbon molecular sieve.

  • Carbon molecular sieve storage, transportation, and loading and unloading are not harmful to human body. When filling the carbon molecular sieve, wear protective goggles, respiratory filter and use an exhaust fan, and wash the skin contact area with soap after filling.

  • For malfunctions such as a decrease in nitrogen purity, carbon position, and adsorption pressure, the cause should be timely investigated and troubleshooted.

  • During continuous equipment operation, check the airtightness of each pipeline connection frequently to avoid air leakage. Regularly check the operation status of the pneumatic valve.

  • When the equipment is not in use for a long time or has intermittent use, it should be turned on once a month for four hours to keep it in a standby state.

  • Daily equipment maintenance table and replacement methods for the nitrogen generator: for the following items, at least one check should be carried out per day under normal circumstances, and the inspection results and processing results should be recorded according to the requirements in the table. (Omitted the table due to difficulty in formatting.)

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